
This is a work in progress: some short notes to be elaborated, and hyperlinks to be added, as time allows; and additional material to be included as Control's retrotemporal messages are decoded. All entries are dated the 31st day of October in the year NW 801.

Click on the title to go to the relevant notes.

Actio - ACTIO - Age of Desert and Poisoned Seas - Age of Dust and Moving Seas - Age of Recovery - Akrin - Ancross - Antarcar - Archipelago - Arctequa Backbone - Arctica - Austra County - Bangar Island - Beehive - Boot Islands - Cankrar - Capital Chamber - Carlcan’s Heron - Catastrophic War - Causeway Fort - Cave Island - Chainers - Chanangii - Chay-Enn River - Citadel Castle - Citadel Library - Citadel Tower - Communicor - Congress of Lieutenants - Control - Council Chamber - Dabbin - Dabbin Court of Crimes - Dabbinisca - Dragon boat - Ducal Council - Earth Wizard - Fairbonus - Fandabbin - Fathome - Finger (measure) - Fluted Cloud - Freedom - Garden Chamber - Gateway - Geode - Giganbee - Glorz Glory - Guild of Barge Skippers - Hillside Inn - Illumen - Inner Wall - Jarlgem - Junction Bastion - Krar - League - Mangrove Robin - Midsea Island - Mile (measure) - Mount Equa - Nantport - Nargar Island - Navigation Committee - Nightless Week - Ninden - Occidentala - Orbear - Order of Chains - Orientala - Outer Plain - Outer Wall - Pace (measure) - Pelfa - Polnet Mountain Port - Port Fandabbin - Poultice Plant - Pozakrin - Praamamouth Tower - Proequa - Quimal - Quolow Defence Legion - Quolow Guild for Search and Rescue Dogs - Rescue Companions - River Docks - Royal Castle - Seventh Fort - Silver Castle - Silver Caves - Silver Dock - Silver Garden - Silver Island - Silver Tower - Sirsette Manor - Slave Island - Southport Youth Spy Network - Southswan - Stadia (measure) - Sunken Kingdom - Supreme Court of Slave Island - Swampland Castle - Tan Mountains - Tan-Chay-Enn - Tant - Tantport - Township Farms - Vanantii - Visitors - Wall Stream/Gulley - Warsloop - Whirlpool Cavern

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List of characters

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Aransette - Arbitha - Arnapa - Azimath - Arn Bel - Belampaw - Binpin - Black Knight - Blancala - Blan - Blansnette - Blonderimel - Bonmar - Borckren - Bracken - Callika - Camb - Cammanth - Carlcan - Carnus - Charzagg - Comupin - Crannicko - Craskren - Crowmar - Digdor - Dolmen - Durukin - Ekkanix - Fairbonus - Fanchay - Fandabbin - Farlooayah - Fenfenwin - Galnet - Gardolinya - Gerfentica - Gertannin - Glinlorz - Grentchnir - Gritsus - Jerkin - Kaggonix - Karkron - Karldros - Kem - Kwannette - Memwin - Nargin - Neep - Nellinar - Nellinu - Nightsight - Norsnette - Nwarpaw - Olette - Ooggah - Palnooay - Parn - Pelembras - Pelundlis - Pencar - Pennammith - Penndarah - Penntrafa - Pentabin - Pikkin - Pinja - Plantlo - Plashanette - Pokk - Pollukin - Pondar - Poolzus - Portancot - Praalis - Prakkin - Prannette - Pretsan - Prokkanix I - Prokkanix IV - Prulin - Pyran - Quassow - Questan - Quirretan - Quontifa - Quoosh - Redrook - Rega - Sakkrint - Sakscren - Selnipa - Serunipa - Silquooay - Starinette - Taksak - Tarmar - Telkooay (Telko) - Tenmar - Terukin - Tolen - Tor - Utangar - Utukin - Vildmaru - Wayhooay - Whitestorm - Zanandir - Zeep

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