Fulcrum of Power, sequel to Strings of Destiny

In Fulcrum of Power, Blan again ventures into great danger. After finding love and then personal tragedy, she takes matters into her own hands and finds herself in enemy territory again, and suffers for it. However, there are those who refuse to let her face danger alone. In particular, her protégé, the abnormally brilliant and strong-willed five-year old Memwin (whose biological father happens to be Black Knight) will not be left out of the equation. Blan and Memwin come to understand that they are bound together under the Great Plan, but do they fully realise the risks they are taking? As dramatic, unforeseen events occur, Blan and Memwin are targeted for terrible retribution.

book ISBN: 978-1-785890741

epub ISBN: 978-1-785894435

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Front cover of Grand Vizier of Krar: Fulcrum of Power